How To Apply

Step 1: Choose and complete the application form.

Step 2: Submit application form with a certified copy of a birth certificate (if the certificate is not in Arabic or English- a legally stamped photocopy is required), a photocopy of the guardian’s passport and ID (complete with the ID attachment), two photos, copy of RFS graduation certificate if parent is an RFS graduate, and transcripts* (only for grades 2-11) and NIS 150 nonrefundable application fee.

Step 3: RFS evaluates each application and determines eligibility for admission. Please review our admissions policy for more details on the admissions process.

Step 4: Admissions decisions for LKG, UKG and First Grade will be communicated by email.

Step 5: If a student is admitted, parents are required to agree to the school rules (Pre-K, KG, 1st-5th grades6th-12th grades) and pay a non-refundable registration fee of NIS 5,000. Bring a statement indicating that all financial statements have been met with previous educational institutions. And fill out this medical form by the family doctor.

Step 6: Parents are required to pay the first tuition payment during registration in March (for new students in LKG,UKG and 1st Grade) and in May (for new students in grades 2-11) to secure your child's place. The tuition fee cannot be refunded.

*Please note transcripts are required for any child entering Grade 2 and above (for the previous year for Grade 2, the previous two years for Grade 3, and the previous three years for Grade 4 and above).

