College Matriculation
Class of 2018 Profile
Class Size: 93
IB Diploma Candidates: 79% (96% passing)
IB Certificate/Tawjihi Equivalency Students: 20%
College Application Acceptances by Country/Region
Canada: 11.7%
Europe: 6.8%
Middle East & Turkey (including Palestine): 57%
United Kingdom: 22.6%
United States: 57.9%
Class of 2017 Profile
Class Size: 121
IB Diploma Candidates: 90%
IB Certificate Students: 8.3%
Tawjihi Equivalency: 1.7%
College Application Plans by Country/Region
Canada: 23%
Europe: 39%
Middle East & Turkey (including Palestine): 41%
United Kingdom: 33%
United States: 45%
Other: 1%
Class of 2016 Profile
Post-Secondary Plans
Four-year college or university: 89%
Two-year college: 3%
Language year: 4%
Other gap year: 4%
Matriculation by Country/Region
Canada: 9%
Europe: 16%
Middle East & Turkey: 5%
Palestine 39%
United Kingdom: 4%
United States: 17%
Other: 1%