Lower Campus
Students need to develop not only academically but also physically, psychologically and emotionally. RFS compliments its academic program by offering a number of programs in order to develop the whole person and provide positive learning opportunities beyond the classroom.
After School Programs:This program allows students to participate in one or more of its ten activities; debkeh, pottery, art, choir, karate, basketball, soccer, drama in English, modern dancing, aerobics, yoga and life skills.
Community Service Program: This program provides an opportunity for students to visit charitable organizations, such as the Abu Rayya Rehabilitation Centre, Annahda Centre for the Handicapped, Home for the Elderly and School for the Blind, among many others in Ramallah and El-Bireh. Students engage with the organizations' staff, participants, and residents by assisting with various tasks and projects, providing musical entertainment and bringing gifts to share. The Community Service Program exposes students to many different aspects of our community and enhances their awareness of social issues.
White Gifts Program: The White Gifts Program is a tradition at RFS in which students raise money to help their neighbors and community members in need. Beginning in October and lasting through December, students and teachers host weekly bake sales. In December, the funds from the bake sales are combined with personal contributions and donated to community members in need.