IB Diploma Program

Diploma Programme Introduction:

In 1999, following several years of intensive preparation for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Organization granted Ramallah Friends School (RFS) approval to implement the diploma program. Preparation for the program included facility development, teacher training, explaining the program to students and parents, and communicating with the Ministry of Education. RFS has been committed to educational quality since its founding. This commitment entails the ongoing improvement of the academic programs offered by the school, the educational environment in the school, and the staff's performance. The introduction of the IB Diploma Program into the school was a crucial step towards accomplishing this objective. We are incredibly proud to be the only IB school in Palestine.

Students follow the IB Diploma Programme (DP) in their final two years at RFS. This is the most highly regarded pre-university preparatory program in the world today. Students not only study subjects across a range of disciplines, they must complete three core requirements over the two-year program, the first to apply classroom skills and knowledge to real-life experiential learning challenges; the second to identify a topic of personal interest to research in-depth to write a 4,000 word annotated essay; the third to develop and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of how they learn best, and how they evaluate the effectiveness of their learning for each discipline. This breadth of learning and depth of understanding, focused on international-minded contexts studied through a local lens, capably prepares DP graduates for further education and lifelong learning.

The DP curriculum comprises six subject groups and a Core:

Group 1: Studies in Language & Literature
Group 2: Language Acquisition 
Group 3: Individuals & Societies 
Group 4: Sciences 
Group 5: Mathematics
Group 6: Arts
DP Core: Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS), Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay (EE)


RFSDP Handbook

International Mindedness
Three dimensions of being internationally minded:
1. Intercultural understanding: appreciating own perspective (values, beliefs, experiences, and ways of knowing) while respecting others.
2. Multilinguistic: Communicating in a variety of ways and in more than one language is central to intercultural understanding.
3. Global Engagement: A commitment to become globally conscious in order to address humanities greatest challenges in the classroom and beyond. 

ثلاثة أبعاد للعقلية الدولية:
التفاهم بين الثقافات: تقدير المنظور الخاص (القيم والمعتقدات والتجارب وطرق المعرفة) مع احترام الآخرين.
تعدد اللغات: يعد التواصل بعدة طرق بأكثر من لغة أمرًا أساسيًا للتفاهم بين الثقافات.
المشاركة العالمية: التزام بالوعي و القضايا العالميه من أجل مواجهة أكبر التحديات الإنسانية داخل الصف و خارجه.
IB Learner Profile
In addition to the three DP Core aspects described previously, the IB Learner Profile and the approaches to learning and teaching are important to the IBDP's philosophy. The 10 traits of the IB Learner Profile articulate the ideals intrinsic to the IB continuum of international education; these attributes should permeate all aspects of the three programmes and, consequently, the culture and ethos of all IB World Schools. IB students seek to be inquirers, knowledgeable, communicators, thinkers, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. The IB curricula emphasize intellectual, personal, emotional, and social development throughout all areas of knowledge, with a focus on educating the full person.
RFS Course Subjects Offered
HL courses cover 240 hours of instruction, while SL courses cover 150 hours. Each subject is rated on a scale ranging from 1 (minimum) to 7 (maximum). Students must earn a minimum of 24 points and complete the extended essay, Theory of Knowledge course (TOK), and CAS (creativity, activity, and service) satisfactorily in order to receive the diploma. The maximum score of 45 points includes three points for the extended essay and TOK work where everyone is urged to participate in the entire program. 
Diploma Programme Admission: Course Selection Guidelines
RFS offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program for students in Grades 11 and 12. The DP is open to all students, regardless of previous educational experience. Students may elect to participate in the DP program in one of three ways:
a. Full IB Diploma Candidate
b. IB Course Candidate/Certificate
c. A Non IB-examination student
In the spirit of the IB program and philosophy the school and stemming from our vision and mission as a Quaker institution the school sets the following course selection guidelines for students.  We work with each student and their parents individually attempting to guide through this process with the hope that they will take our professional opinion into consideration when making final decisions. We approach students holistically, taking into consideration personal interest as well as academic ability.  
Students wishing to participate in the program as diploma candidates are expected to: 
a. Work very hard: the program is academically rigorous and requires students to be committed to their academic achievement. 
b. Approach tasks with a sense of purpose: the program requires that students proactively approach their education. 
c. Demonstrate self-discipline and responsibility: the program requires that students hold themselves accountable, that they meet set deadlines and that they become leaders of their own knowledge seeking journey. 
d. Learn from fellow students as well as teachers: working together collaboratively is key, teachers are obligated to provide students with all the tools and content necessary to sit for IBO official examinations and to submit internal assessments.  Students are expected and required to work with their teachers and to facilitate their own learning by coming to class, taking notes and studying.  
e. Share with, and contribute to, the community: part of the program is Creativity, Activity, and Service, which requires students to engage with their community and serve in meaningful ways in community service, community building and physical activity. The spirit of CAS is expected to be reflected and articulated in all student academic and nonacademic activities. 
Full IB Diploma
Full IB Diploma
The two year Diploma program provides students with a breadth and depth of rigorous academic study which prepares them for university. Generally, higher level subjects reflect the student's area of special interest. Standard level subjects complement the higher level choices, but do not generally require the same degree of specialized knowledge and understanding. Three additional program elements are Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and participation in the CAS Program.
IB Course (Certificate)
IB Course (Certificate)
For students not pursuing the IB Diploma program, it is possible to register for individual IB subjects and complete courses of study, including the IB Exam. Individual IB Course qualifications are issued and may be used to help secure admission and advanced placement credit at certain colleges and universities.
Non - Examination IB Students

Non - Examination IB Students

Students opting not to sit the IB Exams may still undertake IB courses because of interest in the subject matter and the academic demands made by such subjects. Students gain experience and knowledge which will strengthen their ability to meet academic challenges at university. Successful completion of the courses will be based exclusively on school assessments. Students can also opt to take the SAT I and CLEP examinations provided by AMIDEAST to meet admissions criteria to universities and Palestinian Ministry of Education equivalency terms.

Tawjihi Equivalency - Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education
Tawjihi Equivalency – Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education:
The Ministry of Higher Education at the Palestinian National Authority grants the equivalence of the IB Course or the IB Diploma with the Palestinian general secondary Course  (Tawjihi) provided that the student meets the following conditions:   
To receive the equivalency of the Tawjihi / Science Stream, the student must pass the IBO exams in the following subjects: 
Science Stream:
a. One subject from Group 1: Arabic A or English A (SL or HL) 
b. One subject from Group 2: English B or Arabic B (HL) or Arabic ab initio SL
c. One subject from Group 3: Psychology, Business, or Economics (SL or HL)
d. Two subject from Group 4: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Computer Science (SL or HL)
e. One subject from Group 5: Math Approaches and Analysis SL or HL
At least one of these Group 4 sciences or Math should be at higher level. Math Applications is not allowed for the science stream.
Local medical schools require two HL Sciences from Group 4. Jordanian universities require students to take two sciences HL to qualify for a Science Tawjihi Equivalency.
To receive the equivalency of the Tawjihi / Art Stream, the student must pass the IBO exams in the following subjects: 
Art Stream 1:
a. One subject from Group 1: Arabic A or English A (SL or HL) 
b. One subject from Group 2: English B or Arabic B (HL) or Arabic ab initio
c. One subject from Group 3: Psychology, Business, or Economics
d. One subject from Group 4: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Computer Science (SL or HL)
e. One subject from Group 5: Math Approaches and Analysis SL or Math Applications SL
f. One subject from Group 6: Visual Arts (SL or HL)
Art Stream 2:
a. One subject from Group 1: Arabic A or English A (SL or HL) 
b. One subject from Group 2: English B or Arabic B (SL or HL) or Arabic ab initio
c. Two subjects from Group 3: Psychology, Business, or Economics (SL or HL)
d. One subject from Group 4: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Computer Science (SL or HL)
e. One subject from Group 5: Math Approaches and Analysis SL or Math Applications SL