RFS is governed by a local Board of Trustees in partnership with the Friends United Meeting (FUM). FUM appoints the Head of School and Executive Board of Trustees members. RFS is under the care of the FUM.
FUM is an international association of Friends Meetings and Churches, organized for evangelism, global partnership, leadership development and communications. Their purpose is "to energize and equip Friends through the power of the Holy Spirit to gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved and obeyed as Teacher and Lord."
Friends United Meeting, founded in 1902, includes twenty-seven Yearly Meetings (regional associations) of Friends, along with several smaller groups, local meetings (churches) and affiliated organizations, working in cross-cultural missions and cooperative ventures with member yearly meetings through offices in Richmond, Indiana (USA) and Kisumu, Kenya.
The Head of School chairs the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) comprising of divisional principals and senior staff. The SLT meets weekly and attends to the operational needs of the school.
Ramallah Friends School Board of Trustees Constitution - Approved June 22nd, 2018